Keokuk Yacht Club Logo

Keokuk Yacht Club

Member Resources

Welcome New Members!

Donna Amandus & Cassie Jones

Haven't joined us yet? New club members are always welcome!
Please contact the Club for a membership application.

Explore Our Member Resources:

To view or download the latest KYC Board Meeting Minutes, please click the link below.

September Meeting Minutes

Keokuk Yacht Club

Membership Dues

Membership Renewal Deadline: May 1st; Gate Key Update: May 16th

Family/Married Membership


per year

Single Membership


per year

Please pay your membership fees at the bar or send them to P.O. Box 14, Keokuk, IA 52632.

Keokuk Yacht Club

Board of Directors

Gary Platz

Vice Commodore

phone icon309-331-5445


Sara Kugler


phone icon309-221-4258


Jeff Zinnert

Board of Directors

phone icon309-221-4897


Rusty Guymon

Board of Directors

phone icon319-795-1131


Trent Fink

Board of Directors

phone icon217-617-8700


Stacey Johnston

Board of Directors

phone icon319-795-7206


Johnathan Hendrickson

Board of Directors

phone icon319-470-1216


Brian Carroll

Board of Directors

phone icon319-795-1900


Keokuk Yacht Club

Committee Chairpersons


Gary Platz


Trent Fink, Gary Platz, Dick Meyers, Brian Carroll


Dick Meyers

Boat Storage:

Kirk Westermeyer, Jeff Zinnert, Sara Kugler, John Hendrickson

Building & Grounds:

Jeff Zinnert, Rusty Guymon, John Hendrickson, Stacey Johnston


Heather Davis, Stacy Hymes, Trish Merydith / Liason - Gail Meyers


Rusty Guymon & Shawn McDowell


Gary Platz & Rusty Guymon

Trap Shoot:

Terry Twitchell


First Mate, Cathy Platz

Keokuk Yacht Club, Inc.


Scroll down to view the by-laws, or click the button below for a printable PDF.

By-Laws PDF

I. Name & Location

  1. This organization shall be known as the KYC, INC. as well as Keokuk Yacht Club, Inc.
  2. The location of the Club shall be in the vicinity of the City of Keokuk, Iowa, in what has been known as Lake Keokuk.

II. Purposes

  1. The purpose or purposes for which this corporation is organized is to provide and maintain facilities for the storing and the launching of boats for members of KYC, INC., to assist in rescue work, provide for water safety, to aid in water transportation, to encourage the sport of boating and to promote the science of seamanship, to provide social and recreational activities to do any and all things which may be necessary or incidental to carry out the aforementioned purposes, all to qualify as an exempt organization under section 501(c)(7) of the Internal Revenue Code or the corresponding provisions of any future United States revenue law and Iowa law. This corporation is not organized for pecuniary profit.
  2. Upon the dissolution of this corporation, its assets remaining after payment or provision for payment, of all debts and liabilities of this corporation shall be distributed to: Keokuk Yacht Club Realty Company. This distribution of the remaining assets of the corporation shall be distributed within the meaning of Section 501(c) 7 of the Internal Revenue Code. (Passed by General Membership on February 16, 2013.)

III. Club Burgee

  1. The Club Burgee shall be a triangle of white, measuring twelve inches along the hoist and eighteen inches from Halyard to tip or of like proportions, with an eleven-inch navy blue letter “K” at the hoist of the triangle. Midway between the blue “K” and tip of pennant, there shall be a six-inch Red Indian profile, this Indian head to be located in the center of white field of triangle between letter “K” and equal distance from top and bottom edges of pennant. The tip of the Club Burgee shall be navy blue, diamond shaped, three inches along each side of burgee and three inches along both sides of diamond.

IV. Membership

  1. Applicants for a voting membership shall be at least 21 years of age and submit an application in writing on an approved membership application form furnished by the Secretary and accompanied by the first year’s dues. (Revised 2- 13-2010). Said membership application shall be endorsed by two members in good standing containing such information and covering such requirements as may be determined from time to time by the Board of Directors. Upon receipt of application for membership, the name of the applicant shall be posted on the bulletin board through two consecutive Sundays, during which time any voting member may notify the Board of Directors of any objections to be registered. In any case where objections are registered, the Board of Directors shall consider the same at a Board of Directors’ meeting and, if denied by the Board of Directors, the applicant will be so advised by the Secretary and his/her first year’s dues returned. If approved, the Secretary will notify the applicant of the acceptance of his/her application.
  2. Annual membership dues, as determined by the general membership, are due on or before May 1 of each year. To remain a member in good standing each member must have his/her dues paid in full by June 1. However, any member who has not paid his/her dues by July 1 forfeits membership privileges and must reapply.
  3. Effective May 1, 2024, the following membership due’s structure will be implemented: A family membership will be $150.00 per year with one vote for each spouse and a single membership will be $75.00 per year. (Revised: 4-26- 2019) (Revised: 04-22-2023)

V. Meetings

  1. Membership meetings will generally be held the third Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. The Commodore/President or Vice Commodore/ Vice President shall review all pending business of all previous spending in accordance with the By-Laws herein, seek approval of all outstanding bills, seek allocation for any additional spending within budgetary guidelines, and handle all matters brought before said meeting by members.
  2. Annual membership meetings shall be held in April with notice given to the membership at least ten (10) days in advance. Notice of said meeting will be posted within the Clubhouse. Newly elected officers and board members will assume their positions May 1st. (Revised: 09-19-2017) (Revised: 04-22-2023)

VI. Officers

  1. The officers of the Club shall be Commodore/President, Vice Commodore/Vice President, a Secretary-Treasurer, and the immediate retiring Commodore/ President, who shall be known as the Rear Commodore.
  2. The Commodore/President shall preside at all meetings of the Club, shall appoint committees for the fiscal year, and direct the day-to-day operations of the organization, subject to the Board of Directors and general membership.
  3. The Vice Commodore/Vice President shall serve for the Commodore during his absence.
  4. The Secretary-Treasurer shall be appointed by the Board of Directors. He/she shall be responsible for all records of the business, membership, the financial activities of the Club, provide financial statements annually and at other times as required by the Board. Said Secretary-Treasurer shall be bonded and KYC, INC. shall pay for the cost of said bonding. (Revised: 04-22-2023)

VII. Board of Directors

  1. The Board of Directors shall consist of the Commodore/President, Vice Commodore/Vice President, Rear Commodore/Past President, and six additional persons. Any member of the Board of Directors who is not a member in good standing shall surrender their position for the remainder of their elected term. The board of Directors shall fill vacancies by appointment as needed.(Revised: 04-22-2023)
  2. The Commodore/President shall be Chairman of the Board of Directors.
  3. The Board of Directors shall have authority to set policies and review and handle those matters that come up on an emergency basis that cannot otherwise wait for a monthly general membership meeting.
  4. All committee activities shall be presented at the monthly membership meeting for approval by the Board of Directors.

VIII. General Membership

  1. This is a non-profit corporation; the general membership shall control the operation of this corporation and shall do so within and for the general pro-poses for which said corporation was organized as set forth in Article II.

IX. Elections

  1. The Commodore/President shall appoint a nominating committee, whose duty it shall be to set up a slate of directors and officers to be elected prior to the annual membership meeting to fill the terms or expiring terms of said positions.

    Eligible members seeking a directors’ seat, or an officer’s position shall register their name on the Nominating Sheet. The Nominating Sheet shall be posted at KYC the second (2nd) Monday in March and shall be taken down to prepare the election ballots, at the close of business on the fourth (4th) Friday after the posting.

    All eligible members may vote in person at KYC starting the Saturday before the annual meeting and ending at the close of business the Friday before the annual meeting.

    The nominating committee or their designees shall count the ballots the morning of the annual meeting. (Revised: 04-22-2023)
  2. Commodore/President and Vice Commodore/Vice President shall be elected annually and hold office for a one-year term. Elected officers must have served on the Board of Directors for a minimum of two years. All terms of officers and Directors shall commence May 1. (Revised: 4-26-2019) (Revised: 04-22-2023)
  3. Officers may be re-elected to the same office.
  4. Notwithstanding Article VI, the six remaining Directors shall hold office for a period of three years with the terms of said positions being staggered over said period, to wit: Two of said positions shall expire each year.
  5. An officer may be removed from office before expiration of his/her term. A vote of two thirds of all those attending a general membership meeting held two consecutive months is required for removal. Notice of such an issue on the meeting agenda must be given to the membership at least 10 days prior to each meeting. In the event such a vote fails to carry in two consecutive meetings, such issue shall fail. (Revised: 04-22-2023)

X. Fiscal Policies

  1. The Board of Directors shall designate members authorized to sign corporate checks. Each check shall be signed by two designated members. Any member responsible for reconciling the check register may not be authorized to sign checks. (Revised 2-10-07)
  2. The fiscal year of the corporation shall begin on the first day of January and end on the last day of December in each year. (Added 2-13-2010)
  3. Any charitable donations of gifts will be limited to a maximum amount of $500.00 to any individual or organization within a calendar year. (Added 2-13- 2010)

XI. Use of Club or Facilities

  1. Only members in good standing or guests of the Club may use the Club or make any purchases.

XII. Use of Boat Storage or Slip

  1. A member must be in good standing for boat storage or boat slip usage.

XIII. Private Property Exempt

  1. Private property of the members, officers and directors of this corporation shall be exempt from liability for corporate debt.

XIV. Amendments

  1. These By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds majority of the members voting by ballot during the annual election of officers or special voting period designated by the Board of Directors. Notice of any proposed amendment addition or revision, together with a statement as to the dates for voting at KYC shall be given to the membership at least ten days prior to the voting dates. (Revised: 04-22-2023)

XV. Amendments to Dues

  1. Notwithstanding these By-Laws, dues may be raised or lowered by the majority of the membership attending said annual meeting or special meeting.
By-Laws PDF

Keokuk Yacht Club

Memorial Tribute

We remember and pay tribute to our deceased members. A special thank you to Kay Arthur for her diligent work in compiling this list.

KYC Deceased Members Memorial Tribute PDF

View the full list of honorees by clicking the link below.

Memorial Tribute PDF

Keokuk Yacht Club

Contact Us

Club Address

P.O. Box 14
2029 River Road

Keokuk, IA 52632

Call Us

phone icon319-524-9469

Email Us


Winter Hours

Monday - Wednesday

4:00pm - close

Thursday & Friday

3:00pm - close

Saturday & Sunday

10:00am - close

Hours may be adjusted due to special events.